Monday, July 19, 2010

oh how the time flies by!

So I haven't blogged in over a month I think... I guess this time in my life is too busy to do it as much as I had hoped! Anyways I have a day off today and thought I should do a little tribute to my wonderful husband of one year as of last Tuesday July 13th.

Well pictures are easier then words and help me remember so there are a few out of the 400 or so I chose to keep from my photo class friends and professor who took them! It was truly the best day of my life!! (so far)!
Then we went Skamania Lodge for 2 nights (on the Columbia River Gorge in Washington) then to Maui and Oahu which was so much fun! I am so thankful that I saved myself for Race and that we didn't bring any baggage into our marriage. I'm so glad to have married such an adventurous husband who I plan want to travel with as much as possible!

We loved going to Hawaii and were so blessed to have free plane tickets and places to stay which allowed us to do lots of activities while we were there. My favorite thing was probably eating shaved ice everyday and the sweet jeep wrangler we rented! haha 

Right outside our condo!

Surf Lesson!
What started our new found love of jeeps!

On the Trilogy sailboat heading to Lanai island for the day.
We got an underwater case for our camera that came in handy.
Jumping dolphins on the way back!

At the Polynesian cultural center in Oahu.
Road to Hana black sand beach
Really steep hike near my relatives house in Kailua. We had to use ropes to get up some parts!
Pill box hike

I feel so blessed to have had such a wonderful first year of marriage and I'm so happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with this man! I couldn't have chosen a better partner and best friend. I thank God daily for bringing us together almost 4 years ago. Here's to 80 more or until Jesus comes back!! :)
I love you Racer!


  1. this is so cute! i liked the pictures of the wedding cuz it was fun to look back and see you two on your special day :) i also liked the pictures of hawaii - i think i went to the polyneisan cultural center when i was there too! how fun!

  2. Oh my gosh your wedding was beautiful and you looked so pretty! Adorable blog :)

  3. Wow great post! It warmed my heart looking back over that great honeymoon and our big day! I can't believe the pictures were so great! Hawaii was pretty sweet but I'm excited to see what Heaven looks like!

  4. What amazing photos!
    Looks like you had a fun and wonderful wedding! Congrats!

  5. cute photos!!!
    and I bet you love nature yea?
    I do love nature too :)
    xo, Lorine

  6. wow i LOVE your wedding! the purple flowers are gorge. :) all of it is so sweet!

  7. look how pretty all these are!!! GORGEOUS!!! love always looks good on you xoxo

    ps. isn't that mascara AMAZING!?!? lol i'm going to have to try that tea you're talking about... i'm so hooked on coffee i haven't branched out to discovering amazing teas so thank you! :)


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