Sunday, February 14, 2010

So here it goes I'm starting a blog! We'll see if I can figure this out or can think of enough things to talk about..

Here I am this summer on July 13th with my best bud and soul mate:)

Well today is Valentines Day and I read a great quote in a magazine yesterday-

"I don't have anything personal against the day itself; I just don't think it's a very nice day. My boyfriend and I don't need a special day to celebrate our relationship. I think it's plain rude that there's a day reserved for people who are in love. What about people who aren't in love? They don't get a special day. They get happy hour, but that's every day, so it isn't really that special."

haha I sent it to my sister who is single and if you know of any single attractive, Godly men between the ages of 20-25 let me know. Not in that order necessarily! Here she is-

Isn't she pretty?! Inside and out! She is going to be 21 on Monday and I can't believe it!

Race and I have been married 7 months and 1 day now! Yay for old timers! We celebrated Vday yesterday since we went to church today and I figured Saturday was just better anyways since we have work tomorrow and we're like an old married couple now and go to bed by 11. We moved back from Corvallis (where we both went to Oregon State University) in December and I love being back in the Portland area. I do miss the "night life" which isn't what you might be thinking (parties, bars) but I mean basically everyone was up until at least 1am because everyone's in college and that's just what you do! I was never up studying then but a lot of people were. It was just fun having roommates up and people out and about then and now with working that would be just weird and irresponsible staying up that late. I have a hard enough time waking up in the morning as it is going to bed at 11! Thank goodness for my friends at Advocare and their delicious creation of Spark and Slam! I might become a distributor and start selling it I'm so fond of it.

Anyways so back to my Vday that was celebrated yesterday. I woke up at 8:30 and spent 2 hours making Race quiche and orange poppyseed muffins. I just found out that he loves quiche and he requested I make it for Thanksgiving to take to my grandparents house.. I ran it by my mom who shot it down as not a Thanksgiving food, with which I had to agree. It turned out pretty good.. I made two and might freeze one. That's my problem- I make way too much of everything! I did in purpose this time because it had me buy so many dang ingredients that I didn't want things like heavy whipping cream, whole milk, and fancy gruyere cheese to go to waste. So wala twice the food! Probably why I think I might have gained weight since being married... it's hard being around a 6' 1'' guy who can eat whatever he wants and still have a 6 pack and be 5' nothing" and feel it go straight to my thighs! Sigh.

After I made those things I got to work on a bourbon pecan fudge cake. I used my kitchen aid and food processor for the first time which was a plus. But a minus was that the cake took SO many steps and seemed just sort of average. It was by far the most detailed recipe I've ever followed and didn't look nearly as pretty as the picture. I'll stick with German chocolate cake or something simpler next time. I'm the type that doesn't like to measure very exactly and just kinda add lib while baking!

Race was a great Valentine and fed my horse for me while I caught up on my silly tv shows- Private Practice and Greys Anatomy:) We went to the St. Johns Mcmenamins and ate and saw the movie Youth in Revolt which was pretty hilarious if you like Michael Cerda, who is probably the most type casted actor ever! I love Mcmenamins movies because they're only $3 and not on dvd yet but not still in the big theatres! Great for movies like comedies that aren't really enhanced that much by being on a big screen.

I got Race a "fully automatic" air soft gun like his friend Mike's that he's been lusting after. I also got him an AFI live concert dvd, new costco white t-shirts (with the stipulation that I get to throw out his old nappy ones), and pug pepper and salt shakers that are magnetic and kiss! Race really likes my aunt and uncle's pug Zoe and I've now been feeding his addiction I helped create the past 3 1/2 years and not we have lots of pug stuff and are hopefully getting a real one this summer or fall:) I ordered Pugs for Dummies off ebay yesterday.

Race got me more chocolate then I know what to do with an amazon giftcard for music (partly selfish of him because I prefer itunes but he prefers amazon) and beautiful flowers! What a gem. The best chocolate in the world he got me last year and now again called Lindt and it is white chocolate and coconut, YUM! And some kind that is 90% dark chocolate! Wow almost full dark! haha I've only had 70% before so we'll see how much darker it tastes.

So this is probably the longest first post ever! I like to talk so I think I might end up liking this better then facebook. Hopefully I'll meet some nice blog friends like my real life friend Lauren has! Her blog is called and I have been stalking it for some time now and she is my inspiration for starting one! Now let's see if I can post pictures.. if anyone is good at this and wants to help I wouldn't mind:) Is there a spell check tool?? Also send me your blog addresses so I can have some friends!!

Race took this pic with a little extension monopod arm for our camera that came in handy!  

Those of you who actually know me may have noticed I wore this dress last year-
Well that's because I have a husband who now sees everything I spend and I knew he wouldn't think it's necessary for me to buy a new dress after I have a closet full of them so I didn't even ask! And it's bright red so I figure if I'm going to wear it this is the day to wear it!

"Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn't want what it doesn't have. Love doesn't strut, doesn't have a swelled head, doesn't force itself on others, isn't always "me first," doesn't fly off the handle, doesn't keep score of the sins of others, doesn't revel when others grovel, takes pleasures in the flowering of truth, puts up with anything, trusts God always. always looks for the best, never looks back, but keeps going  tothe end. Love never dies." 1 Cor. 13

The BEST picture of love:) This isn't the version I'm used to but Judy gave it to me at the "Loving your husbands" Bible study I'm going to and I think its another great translation!

Happy Valentines day! ♥♥♥


  1. yay! i'm your first follower :).

    this was a good first post. and i think i maybe have a young eligible single godly man for your sis. his name starts with a "c" and ends with an "ory". haha. craig and i are on the hunt for a young, eligible godly girl for him too. hmmmmm....did they ever hang out? maybe a triple date is in order :).

    and i think you look lovely in your red dress. oh...and speaking of dresses, did you get the facebook message about the wedding dress party? donelle sent it out and wanted to see when would be good for everyone....maybe in the next couple of months. if you didn't get it, let me know and i'll forward it to you.

    glad you guys had a good valentine's and i'm so glad you started a blog.

    excited for next saturday! woot woot!

    hope you have a good monday!

  2. hey cailie! i saw your post on facebook and decided to check out your blog. i just started one too, actually, and i can't wait to blog about my valentine's weekend. sooo much fun!

    i'm glad you're doing well, and that you had a happy v-day.


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