Monday, March 8, 2010

A tribute to Sadie!

So last Friday we had to put my families 14 1/2 year old dog down. She just started shutting down and was suffering so we had a vet come to the house and put her to sleep. It was sad because I was babysitting and couldn't be there but got there about 15 minutes afterwards.
She was the best dog I've ever met! She loved water and would swim for hours.. to the point where she would whine because she was so tired! We would walk her to the barn with us and she'd run around out of control! She  had an extreme amount of energy until she was like 7 or 8 and then finally calmed down. It was perfect for my active family though and worked out well since we have land.
 One funny thing about Sadie Anne was that when we'd take her camping and we'd tie her up while we went boating and we came back and she would have a broken tail! She was so friendly and would wag it into trees when people walked by. We had to give her advil because she would have trouble sitting on it! She had a bump on it after breaking it a few summers in a row:)

Here she is with my sister and two best buds and I at 9 weeks old or so after we first brought her home.

Many years later.

She loved playing in the woods with us on our 6 acres!

Such a water dog!

Where she spent the majority of her time the past 2 years:)

Last winter (Dec. 2008) when Oregon got dumped on!

I miss you Sadie!

Thankfully we got this girl a year ago although she will never replace Sadie, it made it easier seeing her go.

Nilla (Vainlla)!! Bred to live in the snow!

At least I still have my big mare!
Bella Boo

and I have this guy-
He's my favorite:)

I still haven't updated on my fun weekend.. but alas Gossip Girl is on after being absent at least 3 months! haha that's embaressing to admit but I must watch it..


  1. cute pups :). i'm sorry about your sadie. you made me give marley a great big hug!

  2. This is such a good tribute to an amazing dog! I'm glad I got to know her the last 3 years of her life! If dogs can go to heaven, she's guaranteed making the cut!

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss! Totally brought a tear to my eye


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