Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Two Things I'm lovin' and the giveaway I won!

It is GORGEOUS outside and the 5 day forecast looks amazing! And who says Oregon gets a lot of rain? People seriously dramatize the amount we get. I think this has been one of the nicest winters yet and now it definetly feels like spring! Our apartment has gorgeous flowers and trees everywhere and I should get some photos!

So I'm a day late I'm playing the two things you love around your home game from Bacwoods Fern. Be sure to link up over there if you play along!

The first thing- I love my bed.
It was the first big purchase Race and I made together and it is soo comfy! My mom got me the duvet from pottery barn and the blanket on the end is because I like weight on my feet when I sleep! Maybe because I grew up with a ton of stuffed animals at the end of my bed and got used to having weight down there.. anyways my grandma knit that blankey a few years ago for me! The other side is purple velvet and I love it! I'm thinking we might need a light quilt for the summer because I bought the heaviest down comforter Macy's sells! Race sleeps pretty much just under the sheets every night but I love its weight and warmth:) The final thing we need for the bed is a frame and I decided I don't want a pottery barn one anymore and am happy with this cheap one-

Oh and did you know their shipping is under $3 on everything?! Genius! That's the thing that keeps me from buying online- because most of the time the shipping charges rape you for all you're worth. I figure someday we'll probably get a king size bed and this will become a guest bed so I can get my dream 4 poster bed frame then!

Detail of my comforter.. I love the hand stitched look! Makes me think it was made with love:)

Okay this is embaressing how wrinkly it is.. haha I just got this bed skirt and tried ironing it and then Race and I had to slide it under our mattress (which is super heavy, I mean it takes 4 full grown men to carry it it's so heavy..the guy at Mattress World said he'd never seen one so heavy before).. so the two of us had to shimmy it under and it lost any chance it had at being wrinkle free. Plus I don't really know how to iron.. so I think I'll just get it steamed at the dry cleaners when we move (what my mom suggested when she heard I was going to try ironing it, you were right Ma)! For now lets hope some of those wrinkles just come out on their own:)

The second thing I'm lovin'-

Is this random thing. It's a planter the sticker said? Our bedroom has a sink in it so I put it there but I need to move it at somepoint.. it'll be nice having our own house with more space one day! So this "planter".. please explain to me how to plant in it with it being so shallow.. was listed at like $150 and I found it at this random store and it was on the final clearance table and was $5. There was a bunch of random tape on it..but nothing a little elbow grease and hot water couldn't get off! Speaking of.. has anyone ever tried "goo be gone"? I've heard it works pretty great. I bought some Magic Erasers at Target yesterday and they are great! I could only find one mark on the wall to take off and it worked so well I almost made some more marks so I could take them off too. Ask Race, I told him I wouldn't be mad if he got a sudden urge to go sharpee the wall (I kind of even encouraged it, although he objected) because I am now equipped and ready to erase anything.

So I got home today and had a package! And in it was the giveaway I won over at Adventures in Love and Happiness!
It was in a cute box with polka dot tape but I ripped it off too quick to take a pic..

Super fun! There is a sunflower growing kit, flower pin she made, strawberry timer (which will look great in my red themed kitchen) and the hand she stitched! I want to be as crafty as she is. I told Race the other day my 5 year goal is to get a sewing machine and learn how to use it (I took a sewing class but they were grumpy old ladies and hated me after I loaded the bobbin in wrong and broke the machine..whoops), get better at knitting, learn to crochet, get better at painting, get better at photoshop, etc. Thanks Cole for the sweet package!

Well that is all.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! I love seeing my favorite color everywhere and I'm wearing a green tank top, a green shirt, a green sweatshirt, a green necklace, and my green vans shoes! I have so much green it was hard to pick this morning! Anyone doing anything fun?


  1. I love your comforter! The detailing is so pretty!

  2. oh my goodness your comforter is too cute!
    and congrats in the giveaway!! SO AWESOME!!

  3. Hello

    Happy Friday Follow!! Im a new follower!

    Mavericks Mommy

  4. Stopping by from "Friday Follow".

  5. Found you via Friday Follow - your room looks so peaceful! NOT the chaotic mess mine is...I would love it if you'd come follow me too!

  6. Such a cute blog! You're right, the pacific northwest has been having a great winter, the less rain the better I say. :)

  7. Very cute blog! LOVE your bedroom- it looks so peaceful! =)

  8. Genius! That's the thing that keeps me from buying online because most of the time the shipping charges rape you for all you're worth.


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